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Auto-Label Biomedical Terms with BioBert/BERN Api
Here we will use the BERN Api that uses the pre-trained bioBert NLP model to automatically identify and label each biomedical term in a...
Movie Recommender
This is fully published on GitHub-pages HERE. The git repository is HERE
How to Use GPT-3
Find the actual code on my github HERE NOTE: I believe the double response has to do with my use of nbdev which is how this...
Decent Espresso Machines Random Forest ML YouTube Recommendations Pt 1
Below is a breakdown of a Random Forest model trained to predict whether or not a youtube user will comment on the Decent Espresso...
Decent Espresso Machine Youtube Competition by Subscriber/Commenter Analysis
Decent Espresso Machine Youtube Competition by Subscriber/Commenter Analysis
Machine Learning & Youtube API: Targeted Youtube Growth Via Topics Your Viewers Want Next
Find the Detailed code here on my github : Here I show how to create wordclouds from the top viewed videos. Not just any top viewed...
StrataScratch Customer Insights: Youtube API & a little NLP.
Here is a little video I made of insights that can be found by using the Youtube API. I learned how to use it from the youtube channel...
Covid County Stats for My Fam: no longer updated.
I've been tinkering with Tableau and created a better Covid Stats "Story" for my family's different counties. This version is cool...
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