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COVID Tableau for Four Counties(deaths) Curve Compare
This is the same data as the last post, but I used Tableau Public instead of Matplotlib. I still used Python to clean up the data so...

Four US Counties COVID Deaths Data
Here are the death counts for counties some of my family members live in. I use the death counts(for now) simply because I wondered if...

NYTimes vs Texas Health Dept Data
My parents live in TX. As I was exploring the data to create my "COVID Danger Warning" python script for them(or for me so I can warn...

My Parents' Covid Stats
This is my first data project. I'm using python to create a warning system for my parents using covid data. If deaths and case counts...
Weird Copy/Paste Learning Tactic for Coding
~How I’ve decided to not memorize stuff even though I loooove memorizing stuff. Outline: 4 things I’ve been relying on to avoid wasting...
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